Mosaic Linux

Mosaic has two remote Linux options:


The lab pool mimics a classroom computer lab where each person can have a dedicated machine with a powerful graphics card. We have two sets of labpool machines. Each pool has 30 machines. One pool runs RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and the other runs Ubuntu Linux. Each machine in the pool has the following specifications:

  • 9 CPU cores
  • 28GB Memory (RAM)
  • 300GB of /tmp space
  • NVIDIA Quadro M2000 graphics cards with 4GB of Video RAM

To access the labpool, click on one of the following links, login with your Mosaic credentials, and launch one of the VirtualGL session options:

Linux Compute Servers

Our Linux server pool consists of a number of very high end servers with many CPU cores and a large memory foot print. These Linux servers are available for all engineering students, faculty, and staff to use from anywhere on campus or remotely via the VPN interface. The current list of Linux servers is:

Linux server list and specifications

Server NameOSCPUCoresThreadsMemoryGraphics Card
engr-lcs1.uncc.eduRHEL 8AMD641281TBNVIDIA Quadro
engr-lcs2.uncc.eduRHEL 8AMD641281TBNVIDIA Tesla
engr-lcs3.uncc.eduUbuntu 20.04AMD641281TBNVIDIA Quadro
engr-lcs4.uncc.eduUbuntu 20.04AMD641281TBNVIDIA Quadro

All engr-lcs servers have 1TB of scratch disk space in the /scratch1 folder. Files in the /scratch1 folder are automatically deleted after 30 days.

These servers are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You may use the FastX Remote Desktop interface for a graphical experience or ssh for advanced users who prefer a non-graphical interface. All of the Linux compute servers are running the 64 bit version of either RedHat Enterprise Linux 8 (RHEL 8) or Ubuntu 20.04 as shown in the table above.

Engineering faculty and staff may also choose to use Linux for their office workstation. If you would like to convert your office workstation to Linux, please contact the Mosaic Linux team so that we can discuss your needs.