Software Requests

The Department Representative on the Computing Facilities Advisory Council (CFAC) is the primary conduit for faculty requests for installing or updating Mosaic software. Be aware that major software installations and updates usually occur between semesters, these can occasionally take considerable time to prepare, and must compete for priority with many other requests.

Provide as much lead time as possible when requesting software for use in courses (3 months is an appropriate minimum).

Please complete the Software Use in Coursework form before the start of each semester to identify to Mosaic what software you plan to use in your academic or research efforts. Installation of new software not already available in Software Center will require creating a OneIT ticket for the new software to be installed.

Periodically we are asked the question by faculty or staff of the College of Engineering if the software we have on Mosaic is allowed to be used for outside research or consulting. If there is not a license agreement in place that allows for outside research and consulting then it cannot be done with university computing facilities. We do not have many if any such agreements in place. Contact the Mosaic Computing director to determine what is stipulated in the software license agreement. Faculty should not use Mosaic computational software for consulting purposes. This is just not a prudent practice. If we have specific software agreements that allow this, then there is not an issue. Otherwise, faculty and staff should NOT do this.